7 Tips To Use to Win a Deposition

Top Tips For a Successful Deposition

Depositions are a commonly used part of the legal process, but they are an especially difficult minefield to navigate. If you find yourself facing a deposition soon, here are seven steps that you can take to help prepare for your deposition and emerge with as much favorable positioning as possible.

So, what are some tips for winning a deposition? Some of the most important things to do for a successful deposition include:

  1. Compiling the necessary documents.
  2. Understanding the process.
  3. Stay away from your opponent.
  4. Be concise during deposition.
  5. Ask for the documents you need. 
  6. Be kind.
  7. Be positive.

The deposition process in the United States is an important factor in determining the outcome and outcome of a trial. This is because it allows for the attorney to use outside information to determine what they will pursue as an outcome for their case.

For example, if a witness could not make it to court but had given a deposition, the evidence in that deposition could be read in court by either the opposing or defending attorney.

1. Compile Necessary Documents

First, make sure you have all the necessary documents in working order. This means that you need to have all necessary documents with you before the deposition begins. You also need to have these documents organized so that they are easy for your attorney to find when needed.

3. Understand the Process

Next, understand the process of deposition. While this may sound silly, many people are unsure about what is going on or how it works during the deposition. Understanding the process will help you keep your composure and not get flustered when things don’t go quite as planned.

3. Stay Away

Third, do not leave any proverbial bruises on your opponent leading up to or during the deposition. You must do everything you can to prevent anything from happening that could lead to claims of impropriety by your opponent.

For example, do not attack your opponent on social media, and avoid being overly aggressive during the deposition itself.

4. Be Concise

Fourth, keep your questions short and sweet. You want to ask as many questions of the opposing party as you can think of during a deposition, but this does not mean that every question has to be five pages long.

Keep them to the point and concise. Don’t lie or exaggerate your answers, even if the other party caught you in a lie during pre-trial questioning. Any inconsistencies in your testimony will weaken your case, so be honest and tell the truth.

5. Ask for Documents

Fifth, don’t forget to ask for documents as needed. If you need certain documents during your deposition, it is not a good idea to just sit back and hope that your opponent hands them over later on. Make sure you request all of the documents you desire before the deposition begins.

6. Be Kind

Sixth, be nice to everyone. Nobody likes a mean person, including judges and other attorneys. While you should certainly do what you can to defend your position during the deposition, there is no need to offend anyone in the process.

It is normal to become nervous even when telling the truth, but do your best to remain calm throughout the process. If you are feeling upset or angry, let it out in the reception area before the deposition begins.

The court reporter and attorneys won’t want to hear you crying or yelling, so keep your composure even when facing difficult questions.

7. Be Positive

Finally, don’t forget that depositions are just one part of litigation. Even if it does not go well, a deposition is nothing more than a small setback in the process. Keep your head up and keep going forward toward the resolution of your case.

A deposition in America can be considered as deposition under oath. This means that there are penalties for perjury. In an American deposition, the witness agrees to be honest and truthful while giving testimony.

The deposed party may get support from his attorney while taking a trial. But unlike other countries, the attorney has no right to interrupt or guide the deposed party in America during his deposition.

United States Deposition Process Steps

  1. Set up an appointment to discuss what you will cover in your deposition and what might be expected of you by your attorney.
  2. Before the deposition, be sure to review all documents that may have a bearing on what is being asked in your deposition.
  3. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the appointed time and wait for the opposing attorney, court reporter, and deposed party to arrive so they can begin promptly. You will not be able to leave the deposition room at any time during the process without permission from the court reporter or opposing counsel; therefore, you do not want to arrive late to your deposition. If you are early, wait calmly in the reception area until it is your turn to be questioned.
  4. The deposed party will not be allowed to bring any documents with them nor are they allowed to have any outside help during this deposition.
  5. The deposed party will only answer the questions asked by the opposing attorney, but he can ask for clarification if needed.
  6. If at any point in time during the deposition it is deemed necessary, the deposed party may leave and discuss this with his attorney. This will only be allowed if it is a matter of personal health or safety. Your lawyer can accompany you into the deposition room and sit at your side. However, he or she cannot speak for you during the process unless permitted by the court reporter. The purpose of the deposition is to allow you to testify about facts related to your case. By answering questions without your lawyer’s input, you show that you can give relevant testimony that must be admissible in court if the need should arise.
  7. The deposed party and their attorney will review the deposition and decide what they deem as appropriate to use during trial. If there are any questions about anything said in the deposition, contact the attorney or court reporter who took the deposition.
  8. If there are any questions about anything said in the deposition, contact the attorney or court reporter who took the deposition.

Reason For Deposition 

Depositions can be used at trial if one of two things happens: (1) if an object with evidentiary value is not available for whatever reason, or (2) if it is not practical, such as a deposition of an infant witness who cannot testify in court. This process starts with the appointment of deposition and ends with its review and limited use at trial.

An individual must be careful when answering questions during this deposition process. These individuals are under oath, to tell the truth. The deposed party may face accusations of perjury. This is the act of lying under oath.

Penal code sections 131-132 state that perjury can be punishable as a misdemeanor or felony depending on the circumstances.

Who and How Can One Conduct A Deposition? 

A deposition is conducted for an attorney. It determines if the information given by witnesses will stand as evidence during the trial. Depositions shine a light on things that may not be available to use. Information like medical records or handwriting samples.

They are usually arranged to proceed with trial proceedings, but can also be used when the person they are concerned about is unable to testify in court. Depositions are an effective way for attorneys to receive information regarding their cases before trial.

An attorney for the plaintiff will be able to have their client provide testimony, while an attorney for the defendant may only question them on disputed issues of fact.

This is because the deposition is not always used when it is taken (though parties will usually want to use it at some point).  Instead, depositions are used to gather facts and evidence to prepare the case for trial.

Both parties need to reach an agreement on what information can be presented at trial, so it is important people stick with the facts.

If opposing counsel asks about something not allowed or if they ask leading questions, then it will be up to them whether or not to enter the transcript of the deposition into evidence (meaning it cannot be used against you). If they plan on using information, then this needs to happen before or during the trial.

Otherwise, the depositions are out of the way. This process can take anywhere from a half-hour to several hours. It can depend on how many documents need to be signed. It also depends on how the attorney asks questions, and what is said in response.

Rules For Deposition 

A deposition can be conducted by phone or in person. If it’s done in person, then there are certain rules to follow:

  • The deposed party must not bring any documents with them.  They are not allowed to have any outside help. They may bring an attorney.
  • A court reporter must be present and will record what is said during the deposition.
  • The deposed party should answer questions truthfully and to the best of their ability. Each party member needs to be able to protect themselves from self-incrimination. This should include anything they said that can be used against them at trial.
  • The party must not talk to any third parties about the case.
  • This deposition needs to be scheduled at least ten days prior. Both parties need to agree on what will happen during the deposition. For example, if they want to take a break for lunch or discuss anything that’s come up.
  • When depositions are conducted by phone, it is still advised that they are scheduled at least ten days in advance.
Matt McWilliams

Deposition Academy is an online website created to guide those in the legal videographer industry or those interested in starting a legal videography business. The site has expanded to cover a variety of legal topics that are related to depositions and the deposition process. Our team of writers have written for a variety of legal blogs and website.